The Women's Health Diet isn't about eating less; it's about eating more—more nutrient-dense food, to crowd out the empty calories and keep you full all day. That's important, because restricting food will kill your metabolism. It sends a signal to your body that says, "I'm starving here!" And your body responds by slowing your metabolic rate to hold on to existing energy stores.
What's worse, if the food shortage (meaning, your crash diet) continues, you'll begin burning muscle tissue, which just gives your enemy, visceral fat, a greater advantage. Your metabolism slows further, and fat goes on to claim even more territory.
Send your Metabolism Sky-High and Drop 15 Pounds in Six Weeks!
Go to Bed Earlier
A study in Finland looked at sets of identical twins and discovered that in each set of siblings, the twin who slept less and was under more stress had more visceral fat.
Eat More Protein
Your body needs protein to maintain lean muscle. In a 2006 article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers argued that the current recommended daily intake for protein, 0.36 grams per pound of body weight, is woefully inadequate for anyone doing resistance training and recommend that women get between 0.54 and 1 gram per pound of body weight. (If you want to lose weight, use your goal body weight as your guide.)
Add a serving, like 3 ounces of lean meat, 2 tablespoons of nuts, or 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, to every meal and snack. Plus, research shows that protein can up postmeal calorie burn by as much as 35 percent.
Go Organic When You Can
Canadian researchers report that dieters with the most organochlorines (pollutants from pesticides, which are stored in fat cells) experience a greater-than-normal dip in metabolism as they lose weight, perhaps because the toxins interfere with the energy-burning process. In other words, pesticides make it harder to lose pounds.
Of course, it's not always easy to find—or afford—organic produce. But in general, conventionally grown items that you peel—avocado, grapefruit, bananas—are fine. But choose organic when buying celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, spinach, kale and collard greens, cherries, potatoes, and imported grapes; they tend to have the highest levels of pesticides.
Get Up, Stand Up
Whether you sit or stand at work may play as big a role in your waistline as your fitness routine. Missouri University researchers discovered that inactivity (4 hours or more) causes a near shut- down of an enzyme that controls fat and cholesterol metabolism. To keep this enzyme active and increase your fat-burning, break up long periods of downtime by standing up—for example, while talking on the phone.
Find out how bad sitting actually is for your health:
Drink Cold Water
German researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day (that's 48 ounces) can raise resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily—enough to shed 5 pounds in a year, with essentially zero additional effort. The increase may come from the work it takes to heat the water to body temperature.
Eat the Heat
It turns out that capsaicin, the compound that gives chile peppers their heat, can also fire up your metabolism. Eating about 1 tablespoon of chopped peppers (red or green) boosts your sympathetic nervous system (responsible for your fight-or-flight response), according to a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. The result: a temporary metabolism spike of about 23 percent. Stock up on chile peppers to add to salsas, and keep a jar of red-pepper flakes on hand for topping pizzas, pastas, and stir-fries.
Rev Up in the Morning
Eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism so it's no accident that those who skip this meal are 41⁄2 times as likely to be obese. The heartier your first meal is, the better. In one study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, volunteers who got 22 to 55 percent of their total calories at breakfast gained only 1.7 pounds on average over 4 years. While those who got zero to 11 percent gained nearly 3 pounds.
Drink Coffee or Tea
Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, so your daily java jolts can rev your metabolism by 5 to 8 percent—burning about 98 to 174 calories a day. A cup of brewed tea can raise your metabolism by 12 percent, according to one Japanese study. Researchers believe antioxidants called catechins in tea provide the boost.
Fight Fat with Fiber
Digital Vision/Thinkstock
Research shows that some fiber can fire up your fat burn by as much as 30 percent. Studies find that those who eat the most fiber gain the least weight over time. Aim for about 25 grams a day—the amount in about three servings each of fruits and vegetables.
Eat Iron-Rich Foods
Iron is essential for carrying the oxygen your muscles need to burn fat. Unless you restock your stores, you run the risk of low energy and a sagging metabolism. Shellfish, lean meats, beans, fortified cereals, and spinach are excellent sources.
Get More Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for preserving muscle tissue. Get 90 percent of your recommended daily intake (400 IU) in a 3.5-ounce serving of salmon. Other good sources: tuna, fortified milk and cereal, and eggs.
Drink Milk
George Doyle/Stockbyte/Thinkstock
There's some evidence that calcium deficiency, which is common in many women, may slow metabolism. Research shows that consuming calcium through dairy foods such as fat-free milk and low-fat yogurt may also reduce fat absorption from other foods.
Eat Watermelon
Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock
The amino acid arginine, abundant in watermelon, might promote weight loss, according to the Journal of Nutrition. In a laboratory study, adding this amino acid to the diet of obese mice enhanced the oxidation of fat and glucose. Snack on watermelon and other arginine sources, such as seafood, nuts, and seeds, year-round.
Stay Hydrated
All of your body's chemical reactions, including your metabolism, depend on water. If you are dehydrated, you may be burning up to 2 percent fewer calories, according to researchers at the University of Utah. Drink at least eight to twelve 8-ounce glasses a day.
Want more tips to boost your metabolism and burn fat? Send your Metabolism Sky-High and Drop 15 Pounds in Six Weeks with The Women's Health Diet!
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There's no question that obesity is becoming a big problem in the UK. With over half of the UK population now classed as being overweight or obese, the number of related health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure is also growing, which can lead to reduced life expectancy and increased pressure on the NHS.
In this article, we analyse the latest obesity statistics to find out:
How many people are overweight or obese in the UK
How much obesity is costing the NHS
How Covid-19 has affected people's weight
How many people are admitted to hospital as a result of obesity
Our Top Findings About Obesity in the UK
We've detailed all of our findings throughout. But if just want the bullet points, here are what we consider the most important UK obesity statistics.
More than half of all UK adults (63%) are classed as being overweight or obese - that's over 35 million people.
The NHS spent £8,167,383 on Orlistat in 2020 in England
Orlistat is prescribed roughly once every two and a half minutes in England.
One in five UK adults want to lose a lot of weight
More than 4000 people a day search online for ways to lose weight fast.
More than one million people were admitted to hospital with obesity-related problems in 2019/20
Three quarters of hospital patients receiving treatment for obesity were female.
How many people want to lose weight?
With three national lockdowns in the space of one year restricting people's movements, closing gyms and encouraging people to stay at home, it's no surprise that many people have seen their weight increasing over the past year - which has knock-on effects on people's physical and mental health.
We conducted a survey of UK adults to find out how they feel about their weight after the last twelve months. Here's what we found:
More than half of us (56%) admit to wanting to lose weight, with one in five UK adults feeling that they need to lose a lot of weight.
Women are more likely to feel concerned about their weight than men, with six out of ten (61%) adult women in the UK feeling that they need to lose a little or a lot of weight, versus less than half of all adult men (49%).
Just under a third (31%) of all UK adults are actually happy with their weight.
Where are the UK's weight loss hotspots?
Northern Ireland tops the list, with 63% of adults here saying that they need to lose some or a lot of weight. This is closely followed by Scotland, where 61% of adults are concerned about weight loss.
In Greater London, less than half of adults (48%) feel that they are concerned about losing some weight.
Looking at the data at city level, Bristol and Glasgow top the list of places where people want to lose the most weight, with 63% of all adults here wanting to lose either a little or a lot of weight.
But in Newcastle, less than half of the people surveyed (47%) were concerned about shedding the pounds.
How does age affect weight loss?
The older we get, the more weight we feel we need to lose. Just over a third (35%) of 16-24 year olds we surveyed felt they needed to lose a little or a lot of weight.
But concern about our bodies really starts to grow from our mid-twenties onwards. Between the ages of 25-44, more than half of us (54%) feel we need to lose weight - and by the time we hit 45, more than 60% of people want to shed some pounds.
Obesity, Orlistat and the NHS - the numbers
Obesity is thought to affect around 1 in 3 UK adults. It's a term used to describe someone who is very overweight, with large amounts of body fat - and can lead to greater risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer.
Treatment often focuses on weight loss through healthy diet and exercise - but anti-obesity medicine can also help in some cases.
There's only one drug available on the NHS to treat obesity, and that's Orlistat.
We looked at the statistics around Orlistat prescriptions in England and found that:
More than 20,000 prescription items for Orlistat are given out in England every month.
That works out at about 645 items a day…
Or roughly 27 per hour…
Or once every two and a half minutes.
The number of monthly prescriptions for Orlistat has been on a roughly downward trend after peaking in June 2016. Although the number of prescription items has been going down, spending more than doubled between January 2018 and August 2019 - but average spend has since decreased and is now starting to level off once again.
Where in the UK spends the most on Orlistat?
The number of prescriptions for Orlistat in England varies greatly from region to region, with the North East and Yorkshire region having seen the highest number of prescriptions over the last five years, with the Midlands and London regions second and third respectively.
The south west and east of England areas saw the lowest spend when it comes to Orlistat.
Looking at the data at Primary Care Network (PCN) level shows that Barnsley sees a much higher number of Orlistat prescription items than anywhere else in England, followed by Norwich and south Southwark.
Bury saw the fewest prescriptions for Orlistat in 2020.
Weight loss: let's Google that
The most important treatment for obesity is losing weight - but anyone who's tried to do this before knows how hard it can be.
Weight loss is often a long and difficult journey, so it's no wonder that people look to search engines in search of tips and support - and people's search habits can tell us a lot about our attitude towards weight loss.
Ever started typing something into Google and the search engine starts finishing your sentences for you? That "auto suggest" is based on what others before you have searched. In other words, it can tell us a bit about the most common searches.
Type in the 'How to lose weight...' into Google and five of the top 10 auto suggestions are related to losing weight quickly:
Indeed, using, we discovered that 'lose weight fast' generated an average of 124,000 monthly searches in the UK over the last five years, with over three quarters of a million searches worldwide in the same period.
We want to lose weight most at New Year and in the summer
It's no surprise these searches for 'lose weight fast' tend to peak in January after everyone's indulged at Christmas, and in the summer months, typically June and July (as the prospect of stepping into a summer bikini or trunks looms closer.
We're increasingly concerned about our weight
The number of searches for 'lose weight fast' has shown a sharp upward trend at the beginning of 2021, with more than a million searches in March of this year. This could be linked to the coronavirus crisis, as people have become more aware of the link between obesity and having severe effects of Covid.
This growing concern is also reflected in the number of people trying to work out if they are overweight or not.
The search term 'Am I overweight?' has delivered an average of 4,500 searches per month in the UK over the past five years, and 19,700 worldwide based on kwfinder.
We're searching a lot for diet plans
Many people find it easier to lose weight when following a set diet plan - and they're big business. Monthly searches for some of the UK's best-known weight loss providers turn up results in the hundreds of thousands.
Search term
Number of UK monthly searches
Slimming World
Weight Watchers
Pinch of Nom
How many children and adults are obese in the UK?
Today, around 63% of all UK adults are classed as being overweight, and of these, half are living with obesity.
Incredibly, a third of all children leaving primary school are classed as being overweight, and one in five of these are living with obesity.
Obesity and Hospital Admissions - the Statistics
Obesity and related problems are putting increasing pressure on the NHS, with record hospital admissions in the last year.
In 2019-20, there were just over 1 million hospital admissions where obesity was a contributing factor - and over two thirds of these (64%) were women .
This was an increase of 17% on the year before and amounts to almost 150,000 more instances of people being taken into hospital over the course of a year.
The number of hospital admissions where obesity was the main cause actually fell by 3% to 10,780 in 2019-20, although this is likely to be due to a fall in the number of bariatric surgeries taking place during Covid-19.
Three quarters of patients (75%) admitted to hospital for obesity were female and 69% of patients were between the ages of 35 and 64.
How does obesity relate to deprivation?
Obesity is directly linked to deprivation. Children growing up in the most deprived areas of the UK are more than twice as likely to be classed as overweight or obese than in the least deprived areas.
This is also reflected in the number of hospital admissions. People living in the most deprived areas are over three times more likely to be admitted to hospital as a direct result of obesity than people in the least deprived areas.
Hospital admissions...
Most deprived areas
Least deprived areas
… directly attributable to obesity
31 per 100,000 population
9 per 100,000 population
… where obesity is a factor
2778 per 100,000 population
1,139 per 100,000 population
We compiled this article using the following data sources:
We commissioned a survey of 2,000 adults in the UK (provided by Censuswide) to ask them how they feel about their weight
Data for Orlistat prescriptions taken from
NHS National statistics on obesity 2021
UK Government 'Tackling obesity strategy 2020'
For a copy of the raw survey data, a comment from our founder, Mina Khan, or further queries or clarifications, please get in touch.
When the 2012 GT500 Super Snake was unveiled at the New York International Auto Show, few could have imagined that any further room for technical advancement existed. However, this notion was dispelled just a year later, when Shelby American introduced the motorsports world to the 2013 GT500 Super Snake.
The 2013 Super Snake, in all its performance glory, churned out a maximum output of 850 horsepower, in its most potent form. That same year, Shelby American also began offering the Super Snake with an optional "Wide-Body" package, which provided the high-performance Mustang with an even more pronounced look of aggression.
Not For The Faint Of Heart
The 2013 Shelby GT500 Super Snake packs enough ponies beneath its hood, to give even the most unwavering of performance-minded individuals a thrill. In its base form, the Super Snake carries a rated output of 662 horsepower.
While some might note that this number is in line with the standard GT500's performance specifications, those at Shelby felt that this level of output would be sufficient to satisfy the needs of many consumers.
On the other hand, Shelby also delivered in earnest, for those with an outright need for speed. The 2013 Shelby GT500's 5.8 liter V8, offered in a supercharged variant, produced 850 horsepower and propelled the Super Snake to top speeds in excess of 200 MPH.
Image Source
This performance came as the complement of a 3.6 liter Kenne Bell supercharger, which was accompanied by a high-performance radiator, air-to-water intercooler, and a sizable snorkel-style air intake.
The GT500 Super Snake sent power rearward through a close-ratio six-speed manual transmission. Power was then provided to the rear wheels, via a set of 3.31 ratio differential gears, though 3.72 rear gears were also available.
Additional mechanical upgrades included the addition of a Shelby/Wilwood brake package. This package outfitted the Super Snake with six-piston front calipers, and four-piston rear calipers, as well as a set of cross-drilled/vented rotors.
The GT500 Super Snake also featured an upgraded suspension package, which included front camber plates, as well as rear-mounted remote-reservoir gas dampers. These subtle additions allowed the Super Snake to maintain its composure when cornering, even at high rates of speed.
Aesthetic Refinement
Image Source
New for 2013, Shelby American began offering the GT500 Super Snake in an optional "Wide-Body" format. In this form, the Super Snake featured a 13" rear tire/wheel kit, which provided the car with an outwardly aggressive stance.
The 2013 Shelby GT500 Super Snake was also host to numerous additional cosmetic features, including a new hood and front/rear fascias. Also featured were signature "Super Snake" placards, found in various locations on the vehicle's body, including the area directly to the rear of each front wheel well.
Consumers could select from a number of available base colors when purchasing the Super Snake package, including Race Red and Deep Impact Blue. One could also choose between the addition of gloss black or gloss white racing stripes, though silver and blue striping were also available on a limited basis when combined with select base colors.
Inside, the 2013 GT500 Super Snake featured all of the standard Shelby interior features, including Katzkin-upholstered seats, custom embroidery work, A-pillar gauges, specialty trim, and "Shelby" logo accents. Each Super Snake also featured sequentially numbered placards from Shelby American, testifying to the vehicle's authenticity.
Beyond Expectations
Image Source
Though only 500 total GT500 Super Snakes were produced for the 2013 model year, this storied Mustang left its impression nonetheless. Today, the GT500 Super Snake is remembered as a true testament to Shelby American's dedication toward unceasing innovation. With 850 horsepower on-tap, it is hard to imagine sitting behind the wheel of the Super Snake, without an epic smile radiating across your face.
2013 GT500 Super Snake Specifications
5.8L Supercharged V8
662/850 horsepower
631 lb-ft torque
0-60 MPH
3.7 sec
Quarter Mile Time
11.9 sec
3,871 lbs
Base Price
$28,995 662 hp
$39,995 850 hp
Plus base car price
Production Numbers
500 total units, coupe and convertible
Available Exterior Colors
The 2013 GT500 Super Snake was available in Ebony Clearcoat, Deep Impact Blue, Performance White, Ingot Silver, Sterling Gray, Race Red, Red Candy and Grabber Blue with a variety of stripe colors including black, white, silver and blue.
Available Interior Colors
The 2013 GT500 Super Snake interior was available in black with a choice of black, blue, red, and white accents.
2013 GT500 Super Snake Mustang Video
We found a great video of the 2013 GT500 Super Snake.
The menacing dual Daymaker® Reflector LED headlamps in the Road Glide® motorcycle's shark-nose fairing is a familiar sight on the highway. It features the Milwaukee-Eight® 107 power, easily adjustable emulsion rear shocks and responsive front suspension, and the confidence of Reflex™ linked Brembo® brakes.
2019 Road Glide®
The aggressive hot rod look led by the wind-cutting shark-nose fairing is a familiar site on the highway. Crank up the premium audio system, and lay down some serious miles of your own.
2019 Harley-Davidson Road Glide Key Features
There's a wide-open world to experience out there. We've been building the motorcycles to help you discover it in the most epic way possible since we invented the fully dressed touring machine in the 1960's. Entire continents; and all the mountain ranges, canyons, glaciers, small towns, deserts, cities, roadside attractions, adventures, and stories they contain; are yours for the taking in the saddle of a Harley-Davidson® Touring machine. no one builds them better.
Now with 114 cubic inches of traffic-passing, horizon-chasing power.
There's big news for touring riders this year. and by big, we're talking about the displacement of the 114 cubic inch Milwaukee-Eight® engine that comes in the Ultra Limited, Ultra Limited Low, Road Glide® Ultra, Road Glide® Special, Street Glide® Special, and Road King® Special models this year. It gives you up to 123 ft. lbs. of peak torque, depending on model. that's a significant increase over the Milwaukee-eight® 107 engine. and that means quicker 0 to 60 acceleration, quicker 60 to 80 fifth gear roll on. In the real world, that gives you more on-ramp power to gain speed and merge with freeway traffic, more power to pull away from traffic, and faster passing. You get all that, and the pride that comes from the most displacement in standard h-d® touring models.
Milwaukee-Eight® 107
Engine Torque
111 ft-lb
Weight, As Shipped
820 lb.
Seat Height, Laden
25.9 in.
Less than a month after announcing plans for future product in new-to-the-brand categories and a commitment to advance its heavyweight Touring and Cruiser models, Harley-Davidson® introduces a number of technology advancements that elevate performance, function and style across the 2019 Harley-Davidson Touring and Trike motorcycle lines.
New Harley-Davidson Boom! Box GTS Infotainment System
The new Boom! Box™ GTS infotainment system is an evolved interface experience for riders of select Harley-Davidson Touring and Trike motorcycles. The Boom! Box GTS system offers the contemporary look, feel and function of the latest mobile devices and tablets, with durability and features designed specifically for motorcycling, plus Apple CarPlay compatibility and hands-free voice recognition. Every element has been optimized to enhance the rider's interaction with the motorcycle and connectivity with the world to ultimately improve the motorcycle touring experience.
The Boom! Box GTS is standard equipment on 2019 Harley-Davidson Ultra Limited, Ultra Limited Low, Road Glide® Ultra, Road Glide® Special, Street Glide® Special, CVO™ Limited, CVO™ Street Glide®, CVO™ Road Glide® and Tri Glide® Ultra models. Boom! Box GTS is a factory-installed option for Harley-Davidson Street Glide®, Road Glide® and Electra Glide® Ultra Classic® models.
The factory installed Boom! Box GTS audio features 25 watts per channel through two or four speakers, depending on motorcycle model. System upgrades available from Harley-Davidson® Genuine Motor Accessories support up to four sets of Boom! Stage II speakers and 1,200 watts total power. Audio sources include AM, FM, WB, XM, Bluetooth streaming and Digital Mass Storage compatibility. The Boom! Box GTS supports the Harley-Davidson Wireless Headset Interface Module (sold separately) which permits full access to the infotainment features through Bluetooth technology and compatible wireless headsets.
Improved Display
The 6.5-inch Boom! Box GTS is glass from edge to edge and has the sleek, modern appearance of the latest tablet devices and premium automotive displays. The Corning® Gorilla® Glass touch-screen surface is the same durable and scratch resistant cover glass used on billions of mobile devices worldwide. It includes an advanced surface treatment designed to minimize reflection for exceptional visibility in bright sunlight. The screen is optimized for use in wet or dry conditions, even when used with riding gloves. The glass is optically bonded to a TFT display (thin-film-transistor, a type of liquid-crystal display noted for high image quality and contrast) with 100 percent more resolution and a four-times higher contrast ratio than the 6.5GT display it replaces, for a crisp and clean appearance even in bright sunlight.
Improved User Experience
The new Boom! Box GTS processes faster, has more memory and is more responsive than the Boom! Box 6.5GT infotainment system it replaces. Start-up time is reduced from 21 seconds to 10 seconds, and route calculation time is reduced from 10 seconds to 2.5 seconds versus the 6.5GT system.
Like a smart phone, the navigation engine display responds to two-finger gestures: swipe, pinch, and drag. The new home screen display is simplified to three key system buttons: Navigation, Phone, and Music. A new Back button has been added to the right-hand control. The Navigation, Phone and Music screens feature condensed information that's easy to read and navigate. The new Quick Jump feature allows easy access to Navigation, Audio and Vehicle information (press and hold Home on left hand control for the pop-up menu). Background colors and a high-contrast viewing mode are user-selectable. The entire GTS system can be managed through the touch screen and with the thumb-operated five-way joysticks located on the left- and right-hand controls.
Next-Level Technology
Boom! Box GTS is Apple CarPlay compatible (when the microphone is in use with optional Harley-Davidson® Genuine Motor Accessories headsets) and can project phone functions to the screen, including streaming apps, weather, and traffic, so riders can enjoy and use familiar functions installed on their phone.
A new navigation engine features a voice recognition enabled "one box search" function (similar to a search engine) for added rider convenience. Using the Alternate Routes function, the rider can choose a route based on Fastest, Shortest, Twisty and Scenic features. The Boom! Box GTS navigation system features a new integration with the Harley-Davidson™ App for iOS or Android. Leveraging this integration a rider can easily find a destination in the App and send that point of interest or addresses to the navigation system. In addition, the integration with the App eliminates the need to use a USB jump drive to import ride routes. Riders can import routes from the App into the navigation over a Bluetooth or USB smartphone connection. Ride routes can be created in the App or on the redesigned Harley-Davidson™ Ride Planner website at
The Harley-Davidson App helps riders get the most out of their time on the road with features including recommended rides, ride planning, ride recording, riding challenges and the ability to find Harley-Davidson dealerships, gas stations, hotels, restaurants, motorcycle events and other attractions. Learn more at
New Electronic Reflex Linked Brake System with Cornering Control Features
The all-new Reflex Linked Brake system for 2019 Harley-Davidson Tri Glide Ultra and Freewheeler® three-wheeled motorcycles is fully electronic and utilizes the latest inertial measurement unit (IMU) and ABS sensor technology to enhance traction, stability and braking control in both a straight line and in corners. The Reflex Linked Brake system is designed to aid the rider in controlling the vehicle while accelerating, decelerating, and braking in a straight line, in adverse road conditions, and in emergency situations. It includes four key elements:
Traction Control (TCS)
Traction control system (TCS) is designed to prevent the rear wheels from excessive spinning under acceleration, which could occur on wet or slippery road surfaces or when abrupt acceleration is commanded by the rider. If the TCS detects that a rear wheel is losing traction under acceleration it will apply brake pressure to limit wheel spin.
Drag-Torque Slip Control System (DSCS)
Drag-torque slip control system (DSCS) is designed to prevent excessive rear wheel slip under deceleration, which typically occurs when the rider makes an abrupt down-shift gear change or decelerates on wet or slippery road surfaces. When DSCS detects excessive rear wheel slip under deceleration it will adjust engine torque delivery to better match rear-wheel speed to road speed.
ABS is designed to prevent the wheels from locking up under braking, with the goal of maximizing deceleration while maintaining straight-line stability when braking on wet or slippery road surfaces or over-braking due to an unexpected hazard. The ABS detects if wheels are approaching lock up under braking and if so, modulates the brake pressure to limit wheel slip.
Linked Braking
The Reflex Linked Brake System electronically links braking through both the front brake hand lever and the rear brake foot pedal. Linking will be active any time the brakes are applied and vehicle speed is above approximately 4.3 mph (7 kph mph). The brakes will remain linked as long as the rider continues to apply a brake control.
When the front or rear brake is actuated above approximately 4.3 mph (7 kph mph) the system applies a proportional amount of pressure to both brakes on the other axle. The amount of brake pressure applied to the other axle depends upon many factors including how hard the rider is applying the brake, the vehicle speed, and if the vehicle is turning. The amount of pressure electronically applied to the other axle is less than what a rider could apply directly with the linked axle's lever or pedal.
The linked brakes are a rider aid, and do not replace proper braking techniques. The maximum vehicle deceleration on most surfaces is still reached by the rider applying both the front and rear brake controls.
A technical highlight of the system is its ability to measure lateral acceleration – the force the rider feels in turns – and adjust accordingly as that lateral force affects available traction. For example, the brake pressure required to limit wheel slip when cornering is typically lower than the pressure required under straight line operation, so when the system senses lateral acceleration that indicates the trike is cornering, the ABS response is adjusted accordingly. The action of Traction Control and linked braking also adjust based on lateral acceleration.
New Front and Rear Suspension for Harley-Davidson Trike Models
All-new premium Harley-Davidson Touring suspension technology gives the 2019 Harley-Davidson Tri-Glide Ultra and Freewheeler three-wheeled motorcycle models a significant improvement in ride quality compared to previous models. Both front and rear suspension components have been calibrated specifically for these Trike models.
The new front suspension features dual bending valve internal technology for linear damping performance, a smooth ride and confidence-inspiring handling and braking performance.
Emulsion technology rear suspension features a single-knob pre-load adjustment that is easy to reach below the seat and requires no maintenance. The hand adjustment and expanded pre-load range enable easy pre-load adjustment for optimal suspension performance to suit rider preference and the weight of a passenger and luggage.
Harley-Davidson® Genuine Motor Accessories will offer the same suspension technology in a Premium Ride Front Fork Kit and the Premium Ride Hand-Adjustable Trike Shocks for 2014-2018 Tri-Glide Ultra and 2015-2018 Freewheeler models.
New Power for Harley-Davidson Touring and Trike Models
Select 2019 Harley-Davidson Touring and Trike motorcycles will be powered by the Milwaukee-Eight® 114 engine. At 114 cubic inches, the Milwaukee-Eight 114 engine has the most displacement offered from the Harley-Davidson factory in standard Touring models. This performance upgrade is designed especially for riders who enjoy quicker acceleration or tour with a passenger and cargo.
The following Harley-Davidson models will be powered only by the Milwaukee-Eight 114 for 2019: Ultra Limited, Ultra Limited Low, Road Glide Ultra, Road Glide Special, Street Glide Special, Road King Special, Tri Glide Ultra and Freewheeler.
The Milwaukee-Eight 114 delivers up to 5 percent more torque than the Milwaukee-Eight 107 (123 ft. lb. vs. 117 ft. lb.) and up to 5 percent quicker 0-to-60 mph acceleration than Milwaukee-Eight 107. This engine upgrade will give riders additional power – to merge effortlessly with freeway traffic, pull away from the stoplights, and to execute passing maneuvers with confidence and fewer down-shifts, especially when laden with a passenger and touring gear.
New Daymaker™ Adaptive Headlamp from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories
The 7-inch Daymaker™ Adaptive LED headlamp combines advanced motorcycle headlight performance with modern styling. The projector-style LED offers superior punch and spread with a pure white light that produces a "Daylight Color Impression" that appears more natural to the user and is conspicuous in traffic. The signature LED light outer ring operates as a position lamp.
Lean Angle Controlled Bank Lighting
The most-advanced headlamp system ever developed for a Harley-Davidson motorcycle utilizes patented sensors and electronics integrated into the headlamp to determine lean angle of the motorcycle and automatically projects additional light into corners to illuminate areas of the road that may be unlit by traditional LED headlamps. Extensive engineering and testing was completed on the lamp to ensure every part of the road in front of the rider is equally lit. The adaptive light feature works in both the high- and low-beam functions.
The night-time beam pattern is focused on the road ahead and is engineered to reduce wasted light that can impact oncoming traffic. The solid-state LEDs are designed for long life and low energy draw, and installation of the shock and vibration-resistant lamp assembly is quick and easy with a plug-in connection to the factory headlamp wiring.
The 7-inch Daymaker™ Adaptive LED headlamps feature a top-mount low beam, a large bottom-mount projector high beam, two additional D-shaped lenses, an outer signature ring and 12 adaptive lights and is offered in Black or Chrome finish. It fits 2009-later Touring models (except Road Glide), 2012-2016 Switchback™ and 2004-2017 Softail® models with a 7-inch headlamp. DOT and ECE compliant for all markets.
2019 Harley-Davidson Road Glide Features and Benefits
Frame-Mounted Shark Nose Fairing on a 2019 Road Glide motorcycle
A distinctive, menacing, mile-hungry design that cuts through the wind like no other fairing in the world.
Dual Daymaker Reflector LED Headlamps on a 2019 Road Glide motorcycle
Darkness-defying headlight so you can see and be seen.
Responsive Suspension
High-performing front and rear suspension with easily adjustable rear shocks put you in control of a plush ride.
Milwaukee-Eight V-Twin Engine on a 2019 Road Glide motorcycle
A powerful, smooth-running engine with crisp throttle response and a pure, soul-satisfying rumble.
Reflex Linked Brembo Brakes with Optional ABS on a 2019 Road Glide motorcycle
The front and rear brakes are electronically linked to provide exactly the right amount of brake to each tire no matter the road condition. No matter how good you are, this will make you a better rider.
Boom! Box GTS Infotainment System on a 2019 Road Glide motorcycle
The BOOM!™ Box 4.3 Radio comes standard. To enhance your riding experience, and connect with the world, upgrade to the new BOOM!™ Box GTS infotainment system. It's an evolved interface experience that offers a modern look, feel and function. It's exceptionally durable and loaded with features designed specifically for motorcycling.
2019 Harley-Davidson Road Glide – USA Specifications/Technical Details US MSRP Price: $22589 – $22789USD Canada MSRP Price: $26999 – $28499 CDN Europe/UK MSRP Price: £ GBP (On The Road inc 20% Vat) Australia MSRP Price: See Dealer for Pricing in AUS
Vivid Black$21,589
Custom Color$22,789
ABS Option$795
Security System OptionStandard
Cruise Control OptionStandard
Premium Radio Option$895
California Emissions$200
Engine 1Milwaukee-Eight® 107
Bore3.937 in.
Stroke4.375 in.
Displacement1,746 cc (107 cu in)
Compression Ratio10.0:1
Fuel System 3Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI)
ExhaustChrome, 2-1-2 dual exhaust with tapered mufflers
Length95.7 in.
Seat Height, Laden 725.9 in.
Seat Height, Unladen27.4 in.
Ground Clearance5.5 in.
Rake (steering head) (deg)26
Trail6.8 in.
Wheelbase64 in.
Tires, Front Specification130/60B19 61H
Tires, Rear SpecificationBW 180/65B16 81H
Fuel Capacity6 gal.
Oil Capacity (w/filter)5.2 qt.
Weight, As Shipped820 lb.
Weight, In Running Order855 lb.
Luggage Capacity -Volume2.3 cu ft
Engine Torque Testing MethodJ1349
Engine Torque 2111 ft-lb
Engine Torque (rpm)3,250
Lean Angle, Right (deg.)31
Lean Angle, Left (deg.)29
Fuel Economy Testing Method 5Estimated City/Hwy
Fuel Economy43 mpg
Primary DriveChain, 34/46 ratio
Gear Ratios (overall) 1st9.593
Gear Ratios (overall) 2nd6.65
Gear Ratios (overall) 3rd4.938
Gear Ratios (overall) 4th4
Gear Ratios (overall) 5th3.407
Gear Ratios (overall) 6th2.875
Wheels, Front Type 9Enforcer Cast Aluminum
Wheels, Rear TypeEnforcer Cast Aluminum
Brakes, Caliper Type32 mm, 4-piston fixed front and rear
Lights (as per country regulation), Indicator Lamps 8High beam, running lights, directional lights, low oil pressure, neutral, engine diagnostics, battery, cruise control, speakers, accessory, security system, gear indication, low fuel warning, ABS (optional), miles to empty display, fog/aux lamp indicator
GaugesGauges styled to complement each vehicle. Display features odometer, trip A, trip B, range to empty and gear indicator; and larger tell-tale indicators.
Infotainment systemBoom!™ Box 4.3
Watts Per Channel25
Speaker Size5.25 inch standard
Headset Specifications (if equipped)16-64 ohms
Weather Band (WB)Standard
SD Card, Flash Drive and MP3 – via USB ConnectionSupported
Fuel System 3Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI)
ExhaustChrome, 2-1-2 dual exhaust with tapered mufflers
Length2,430 mm
Seat Height, Unladen695 mm
Ground Clearance140 mm
Rake (steering head) (deg)26
Trail173 mm
Wheelbase1,625 mm
Tires, Front Specification130/60B19 61H
Tires, Rear SpecificationBW 180/65B16 81H
Fuel Capacity22.7 l
Oil Capacity (w/filter)4.9 l
Weight, As Shipped372 kg
Weight, In Running Order388 kg
Luggage Capacity -Volume0.064 m3
Engine Torque Testing MethodJ1349
Engine Torque 2151 Nm
Engine Torque (rpm)3,250
Lean Angle, Right (deg.)31
Lean Angle, Left (deg.)29
Fuel Economy: Estimated City/Hwy 55.5 l/100 km
Primary DriveChain, 34/46 ratio
Gear Ratios (overall) 1st9.593
Gear Ratios (overall) 2nd6.65
Gear Ratios (overall) 3rd4.938
Gear Ratios (overall) 4th4
Gear Ratios (overall) 5th3.407
Gear Ratios (overall) 6th2.875
Wheels, Front Type 9Enforcer Cast Aluminum
Wheels, Rear TypeEnforcer Cast Aluminum
Brakes, Caliper Type32 mm, 4-piston fixed front and rear
Lights (as per country regulation), Indicator Lamps 8High beam, running lights, directional lights, low oil pressure, neutral, engine diagnostics, battery, cruise control, speakers, accessory, security system, gear indication, low fuel warning, ABS, miles to empty display, fog/aux lamp indicator
GaugesGauges styled to complement each vehicle. Display features odometer, trip A, trip B, range to empty and gear indicator; and larger tell-tale indicators.
Infotainment systemBoom!™ Box GTS
TypeFull Color TFT
Watts Per Channel25
Speaker Size5.25 inch standard
Headset Specifications (if equipped)16-64 ohms
SD Card, Flash Drive and MP3 – via USB ConnectionSupported